Let’s talk a little bit about Endocrinology. The word comes from the Greek word endon meaning “within” and the Greek word krinein which means ‘to separate”. Endocrinology is a specialized medicine covering a sub-specialty of internal medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to hormones. It covers human functions such as the coordination of your metabolism, respiration, reproduction, sensory perception, and movement. Endocrinology focuses on the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete hormones. The human endocrine system consists of a number of glands that produce and secrete hormones which control the body’s metabolism, growth, sexual development, and function. These hormones travel through the glands and enter the bloodstream which are then transported to organs and tissues in every part of the body.
Palm Beach Diabetes & Endocrine Specialists works with you to keep your hormones balanced and in check. Using a plausible combination of pharmacological medicines and understanding the pathophysiology of endocrine disorders and what lifestyle changes are necessary for you to control the disease process they are able to help you achieve better health. In order to have a really good plan for you, your physician specialist needs to know as much as possible about your body and mind. This will all lead to improving reducing cholesterol levels, reducing your blood pressure, normalizing blood sugars, and controlling your weight. Please call us for more information today at F:P:Site:Phone}. We have offices in West Palm Beach FL, Boynton Beach FL, Jupiter FL and Wellington FL.